First Mexican meeting in route to the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA)

First Mexican meeting in route to the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA)

The ngVLA, led by the National Radioastronomy Observatory (NRAO), will be the largest radio interferometer ever built in the northern hemisphere. With more than 200 antennas distributed across the US, Canada, and Mexico, the array will reach spatial resolutions and sensitivities without precedents. Importantly, the new radio telescope aspires to give access to the worldwide scientific community and to provide science-ready scientific products.

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NuSTAR 2022: Plática de Natalia Osorio Clavijo

Aquí les dejo la plática de la estudiante de doctorado Natalia Osorio Clavijo titulada “Observational hints on the AGN torus obscuring gas behavior through X-rays using NuSTAR data” que ofreció en el congreso profesional

Ten Years of High-Energy Universe in Focus: NuSTAR 2022

Cagliari, Italy – June 20–22, 2022